Tale of Two Kingdoms
The concept of kingdom is a recurring theme in the Bible and also very central to the teaching of Jesus. Jesus used the term ‘kingdom of God’ many times in his teachings. The book of Acts begins and ends with the theme – Kingdom of God (Acts 1:3; Acts 28:31). Why is the concept of kingdom
Tribal Ministry
Revelation 3:8 – “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.” When a preacher is concerned about the depth of the ministry, God will take care of the breadth of the ministry. As we focus on faithful exposition of the scriptures and in shepherding the flock of God, God will
God cares for you
Our hearts grow fonder when someone from very far say that they remember us. How much more comforting it is to know that our God remembers us always. The Psalmist says in ‘Psalm 8:4’ – “What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him?” For God