Marks of a True Christian
Anything that is original has its own distinct properties. We look for those properties to confirm whether a product is genuine. Similarly, in the first epistle of John, John writes about the genuineness of our faith. Only when we understand that our faith is genuine and our salvation is real, our joy will be made

Tale of Two Kingdoms
The concept of kingdom is a recurring theme in the Bible and also very central to the teaching of Jesus. Jesus used the term ‘kingdom of God’ many times in his teachings. The book of Acts begins and ends with the theme – Kingdom of God (Acts 1:3; Acts 28:31). Why is the concept of kingdom

God cares for you
Our hearts grow fonder when someone from very far say that they remember us. How much more comforting it is to know that our God remembers us always. The Psalmist says in ‘Psalm 8:4’ – “What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him?” For God

The ultimate favor from God
“For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God.” – 1 Peter 3:18 It is nice to have someone come to our rescue in trouble. Imagine we have an unpayable debt and a stranger walks into our life and willfully clears

Love Redefined!!!
I met my college buddy after many years and we had the opportunity to retrospect our glorious past. Our reunion unwrapped lot of sweet memories and we went on and on. Our lovely conversation turned heavy, when he told about one classmate, who married his soulmate four years ago. The couple had a vibrant honeymoon

The Shepherd of my soul
John 10:11 – Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.“ Sheep rearing was a common occupation in Palestinian region. Jesus used shepherding as a similitude to teach us about the purpose of His coming into the world. A shepherd leads his sheep to the green pastures,